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Hello, I'm Luise Manning

and I’m standing as an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE for Division 2 in the Ipswich City Council election, which will be held on 28th March 2020.

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About Me

I moved to Springfield Lakes with my husband David in 2006 and I taught at a local school. I took leave in 2010 to care for our daughter who attends a local State school. I currently work as a relief teacher.

I have chosen to run for council because I want to make a difference and give back to the community and city of Ipswich. I believe I possess the integrity and good character to provide transparent and accountable leadership. I have the ability and skills to provide the good governance that this city needs. I recently graduated with a Post-graduate Certificate in Business from QUT, studying units on governance, ethical issues and financial reporting. I have experience in liaising with all levels of government and community organisations to provide services to the residents of Ipswich.

Over the last 10 years, I have volunteered my time to achieve results for the community of Greater Springfield. Some of which included; establishing Springfield Lakes Tennis Club, Butterfly Wings Parent-Child Program, and Neighbourhood Day events. I self-published a children’s book “Hold My Hand”, which was provided free to schools and childcare centres in our region, to help prevent young children from being run over in driveways and car parks.

To address issues affecting wildlife, in 2016 I organised a Clean Up Australia Day event to remove litter from our parks and waterways. I am passionate about the environment and together with my husband, I established Springfield Lakes Nature Care Inc – a land and water care group in 2017. I’ve organised events that planted over 600 trees and shrubs, installed nesting boxes, and provided environmental workshops to address impacts affecting our wildlife. I was involved in a steering committee to remove pest fish from Spring Lake.

As a result of my on-going hard work, in 2017 I was awarded “Citizen of the Year” for Ipswich City and received the Environmental Hero Award in 2019.

I am currently part of the Ipswich City Council’s "Environment Community Reference Group" discussing issues affecting our environment.

If elected, I will listen and consult with residents and stakeholders to ensure everyone has a voice in the future direction of our community and the city of Ipswich.

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Ipswich is one of the fastest-growing areas in Australia.  Suburbs such as Springfield Lakes and surrounding areas are experiencing unprecedented growth.  This presents some big challenges for our community.  I value the expert advice of scientists and other professionals to adopt policies based on evidence and best practice.

I will give my full commitment to the role and work hard to represent our community needs and address issues affecting our city of Ipswich.  I will assist community groups and residents who want to make a difference in our region.

My goals are to continue to work with the Advance Ipswich Plan, which is currently in place until 2022, to tackle the 5 key strategies and then work towards addressing the needs of the community and Ipswich moving forward to create the next 5 year plan.

  1. Strengthening our Local Economy and Building Prosperity (Jobs)

  2. Managing Growth and Delivering Key Infrastructure

  3. Caring for Our Community

  4. Caring for Our Environment

  5. Listening, Leading and Financial Management.

1.    Strengthening Local Economy and Building Prosperity

Continue to work with the Material Recovery Plan (current till 2031) to address waste management and be at the forefront of implementing the National Waste Policy Action Plan.  Work towards establishing a circular economy and creating a market for recycled materials by supporting developers and other businesses to use products made from recycled materials.  Ensure Council Procurement Policy and development conditions promote the use of recycled materials in the provision of infrastructure, such as rubbish bins, playground equipment, road material, park and bus stop seating.

Introduce glass drop off points in our Division for glass jars and wine bottles etc., so that it’s convenient and sustainable.  The cost of petrol and time lost driving to current drop-off points outside of our Division cannot be sustained long-term and glass ends up in landfill, wasting valuable resources and sparse landfill space.

Continue the Council recycling education program to lessen contamination in bins.

2.    Managing Growth and Delivering Key Infrastructure

It is imperative that Council implements ecologically sustainable development to ensure that our city remains a happy and healthy place to live, now and into the future.  Council needs to have a plan to conserve and enhance the community’s resources, so that the ecology on which life and our society’s wealth depends on is maintained.  I will ensure that economic, environmental, social and equity values are integrated into all Council decision making processes.

Advocate for local road upgrades and build infrastructure to match development growth, especially in the older suburbs, like Bellbird Park, which lack footpaths and cycleways that provide connections to parks or train stations. 

Continue to address water quality in waterways with appropriate storm-water management to control erosion and sediment run-off. 


3.    Caring for Our Community

Recent bushfires have concerned a number of residents living in areas adjacent to Bushland Reserves.  Division 2 has the bushland of Greenbank Military Base back right onto homes, and portions of the White Rock Conservation Reserve and other vegetated parks in parts of Brookwater and Bellbird Park are close to residential homes.  Managing fire appropriately in bushland areas is vital for human safety and the protection of the adjacent homes and structures, as well as maintaining healthy functioning ecosystems and habitats.  Residents should not have to be mowing grass in Council-owned reserves to reduce the risk of fire.  I will support residents and address how both residents and Council prepare and manage bushland areas in order to mitigate fire risks and aid in ecosystem and habitat management.

Children need safe playgrounds with equipment that is more inclusive, such as both small and big slides and active adventure, such as flying foxes and climbing gyms.  I will also address the lack of shade over swings and climbing equipment in parks so that both sun-safety and comfort are addressed.  I will ensure that play spaces are audited with respect to risk management and install safety infrastructure such as playground fencing near roads or waterways.  People want a wider range of activities to do e.g. nature-based activities, community planting days etc.  I will lobby for more active park activities for seniors, such as yoga, dance, Tai Chi, aqua-aerobics, walking groups etc.  I will advocate for more local off-leash dog parks and upgrade existing parks.

Illegal parking behaviour at schools puts the safety of school children and others at risk.  Continue to promote the “School Safe” program because it supports schools to encourage behavioural change in their communities.  It provides key tools and resources to educate parents and motorists on safe road travel, thus creating a safer environment for school children.

4.    Caring for Our Environment

Development must take into account laws that protect biodiversity and conserve ecological integrity.  I will support the retention of the character of acreage suburbs, such as Bellbird Park, which are under threat from development that will cause significant loss of habitat for keystone species and endangered animals. 

Creating larger and wider corridors along riparian zones will address connectivity issues between existing reserves to allow wildlife movement.  These vegetated zones provide shade and enjoyment for people and wildlife.

Coordinate weed management along riparian zones to reduce re-infestation from adjacent and upstream properties, in particular cat’s claw creeper, lantana, climbing asparagus fern and Chinese elm.  I will help property owners access the weed control rebate to treat problem infestations and provide support and encouragement to community groups who want to establish bushcare projects.

Advocate for the Enviroplan Levy to be used for the purchase of environmentally significant areas that are under threat from development, to preserve endangered species, e.g. koalas, powerful owls, tusked frogs etc.

5.    Listening, Leading and Financial Management

People want to be informed and consulted with and have their views considered.  They also want access to skilled councillors and staff.  I have studied governance, conflict of interest and ethics and I understand the need to make decisions that benefit the entire community; the greatest good for the greatest number of people.  As a Councillor, I will implement fair and equitable decision making processes and be accountable at all times.

Community groups need a place to meet and undertake their activities, and residents need to have easy access to their Councillor and Council.  Council Community Offices provided a place to do these activities, as well as conducting meetings with residents, businesses and community groups.  I will gauge community attitudes on whether to restore local council offices.  I will support community groups and residents who want to make a positive impact on our city..

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Contact Me

If you have any questions, please contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you,  as I am keen to serve the community to build better and more resilient communities and provide cleaner and greener public spaces for everyone to enjoy.  

Get Involved

As a fully independent candidate, I will not accept donations to fund the cost of my campaign.

However, if you would like to get involved there are several ways you can help, such as being a volunteer on polling day handing out "how to vote cards".

Please contact me.

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Authorised L. Manning 10 Wanderer Crescent Springfield Lakes for L. Manning (candidate) ©2020

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